Thursday, December 18, 2008


Kids, kids, nic got a Christmas card from a friend at school, Scott and I where heading out and the kids where staying home while we looked for the living room carpet. Right before we left, Nic showed me this card which had some little thing hanging from it, I didn't pay attention to it. Nic asked if he could open his card, I said yes, he headed downstairs with the rest of the kids and Scott and I took off.
When we got back an hour later, Alex told us that Nic was eating this candy that looked kind of like cinnamon and he said it tasted nasty, Angie proceded to try it and also concluded that it tasted nasty, Alex thought that they were playing with her and that actually the candy was pretty good so she decided to try it and it tasted nasty ideed!!!! after they all had their candy tasting they opened the card and it read "Merry Christmas....I hope you enjoy the air freshener"

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Santiago loves writing on walls, we have tried to hide every single marker, pen, crayon, pencil... but somehow he seems to find them on places I didn't know we had them and then he runs to write on the walls.
We are working on painting the living room and I am really afraid of his artistic incline after we paint. Today he even wrote on my leather chair with a pen... I hope he grows out of it soon or he might just spend quite some time in the timeout chair or with lots of spankings...
I guess the only good thing that would come out of this is that if he grows up to be an artist then I have proof that he had that in him since he was just one Right??????
I keep thinking on what my mom says "little kids, little problems...big kids, big problems" that is soo true and I have to focus on that!!!!! maybe some day when he gets older I will miss him writing on the walls.

His Masterpeaces!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Busy Day!

Wow, yesterday was a really busy day, to start I've been wanting to get santi a snow suit so when I heard that they had sales at Boston Store then I decided to go... the thing is that the sale was an early bird sale........What is an early bird?????? well NOT ME!!!! but I can be one when it comes to shopping; anyway so the day started waking up at 7:00 am to go to the sale (by the way I didn't find a snow suit :( ), then we went to the Rockline kids Christmas party at 10:00, the kids had fun, they made ornaments, had popcorn, pizza, juice, they had a picture taken with Santa and they got a goody bag with a stuffed animal. We continued our day by going to Lyric's birthday party at maple lanes bowling Alley, the kids also had lots of fun, they hadn't been bowling in a long time, Angie did really good, she bowled better than what I would have... Scott can't forget this party because he asked our friend Stacy (Lyric's mom) if she had made a balloon arrangement that they had at the party and she thought that he was asking her if she made the actual balloon! OK I Know this story is hard to understand unless you were there, anyway we continued our day by bringing Angie to anther birthday party for a girl from school. At 6:00pm Scott and I went to an art auction and the kids stayed here with my sister. We barely had time to stop and take a breath, but it was fun!

Friday, December 5, 2008


The kids enjoying the snow on a cold fall day.... I can't believe is not winter yet!!!! winter doesn't start until the 21st..... and today is 0 degrees outside... that's crazy!

Angie's School tree!

Angie had to go to the Sheboygan Historical museum to decorate a Chritmas tree with her class... they made the ginger bread man with their 4th grade buddies.

Angie decorating the tree with her ginger bread man
Nic, Santi and Alex, waiting for Angie to be done.

Angie with her teacher Mrs. Grosshuesh

Christmas cookies

We made Christmas cookies with our neighbors Rick, Dawn, brooke and blake..... it was lots of fun!!! we also brought some to our neighbors Nancy and Joe...the kids sang "we wish you a merry Christmas" to them and they loved that!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


We made homemade pizzas, our friends Stacy and David came over with the kids and we all got to make our own pizza... It was fun!!

Angie had fun getting full of flour!

Here is Nic working on his pizza.

David and Stacy with their pizzas ready to bake.

the men cooking!

David CRYING while cutting an onion!

Allyn, Lyric, Angie and Alex.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

update scott's jaw

Scott when to the dentist about a week ago, and to his surprise he got his wisdom tooth pulled out, since then he has been almos totally pain free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you GOD!

What Angie said

angie said you must have been really loved when you were growing up, because you are really good at loving all of us! how cute!!!!! and she also said that she wants to grow up to be like me and not work!!!!! :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Nic and Santi at home

Santiago loves putting on other people's shoes

Santi also loves throwing things in the garbage... we have lost some things that I think went in the garbage....we have found shoes, socks, the remote control, toys the the garbage!!!

they had just woken up!!!