Monday, September 29, 2008

Angie's Writing

Angie came to me yesterday to show me this song that she wrote and

I thought that it was really cute......she really loves to sit and write all day, she could spend all day in her room writing stuff, I think that's great! she also likes to read a lot she is in first grade and she already reads chapter books. how is it that she is so smart? :).... well like mother, like daughter LOL!

Anyway here is the song the way she wrote it which she hasn't finished yet:

"10 littl butterfly's siting on a tree one fell off and hit his knee mamma calld the doctor and the doctor siad no more butterfly's siting on a tree!

9 littl butterfly's siting on a bush one fell off and bumt her tush mamma calld the doctor and the doctor siad no more butterfly's siting on a bush."

I love being a mom and being proud of the things that my kids accomplish!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Scott Sick

So today has not been a very good day today, Scott has been sick all day, He started having a jaw pain yesterday afternoon and so he sayd it was so bad that he took a vicodin anyway before bed he took another one, in the middle of the night he took another one, in the morning he took 2 so needless to say... he way kind of high! I was mad at him for taking that like it is tylenol, he says that he doesn't remember taking the one in the middle of the night. So he slept ALL day because he was so dizzy and druged up, what was really funny is that he was having a soda and then he told me that the soda was making weird noises and he thaught it was rainig outside every time he took a drink..... that medicine makes you crazy!
So I am frustrated that I didn't get my shopping done..... I feel bad that he was in pain but I think he caused some of his sickness.
I am glad he is feeling better now though.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

OK here it is

Well I guess I just had to start writing, I could say that I am a blog virgin so I am kind of scared to be writing stuff right now (OK that was kind of weird). Anyway my friend Stacy is making me do this (RAD), she has been a blogger for a while and I guess is pretty cool to go back in time, kind of like a diary (for the world to read).

I think I could probably get really hocked on writing stuff here and and I might need some blog addiction counseling.

So last night we went to our friends Dave and Stacy's house and we had soooooo much fun, we had a great dinner (which I need a recipe to make it soon), and we played a game called boulderdash I was really fun, I am still laughing when I think about it. the kids had fun playing too (Angie got to hang out with her crush Lyric).

Today Scott and I had a fun day, first of all we got to go out for lunch to the Chinese restaurant with some friends from our bible study group (with no kids) and then we went to see the movie Fireproof..... It was really good, I cried through almost the whole movie, well Scott did too... he said it was a tear jerker or something like that, whatever that means.

So I did it, My first blog is done.... I am so proud of myself...... bloging here I come!