Monday, September 29, 2008

Angie's Writing

Angie came to me yesterday to show me this song that she wrote and

I thought that it was really cute......she really loves to sit and write all day, she could spend all day in her room writing stuff, I think that's great! she also likes to read a lot she is in first grade and she already reads chapter books. how is it that she is so smart? :).... well like mother, like daughter LOL!

Anyway here is the song the way she wrote it which she hasn't finished yet:

"10 littl butterfly's siting on a tree one fell off and hit his knee mamma calld the doctor and the doctor siad no more butterfly's siting on a tree!

9 littl butterfly's siting on a bush one fell off and bumt her tush mamma calld the doctor and the doctor siad no more butterfly's siting on a bush."

I love being a mom and being proud of the things that my kids accomplish!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Lyric said she told him at church the other day. It is so cute!!!!